Violations of probation or community control can range from a new arrest to failure to pay court costs. Conditions of your probation or community control vary depending on the type of crime you were charged with, but all violations risk the potential for additional jail time.

The State must prove a willful and substantial violation in order for the Judge to find you in actual violation of your probation or community control and sentence you. The Judge could find you in violation but reinstate your probation and allow you to complete the existing conditions and possibly add new conditions. However, the Judge also has the ability to find you in violation, revoke your probation, and sentence you to jail or prison.

An experienced criminal defense attorney can help you either before your probation officer files the violation report or after it has been filed and you have been arrested on the violation. At The Law Office of Tiffany H. Poore, we will review your conditions of probation, speak with your probation officer, talk to you and all necessary parties involved to present as much information to the State and Judge as possible. Sometimes the violation is not willful and substantial, and an attorney can present your case.

Contact The Law Office of Tiffany H. Poore at 904-516-5449 if your probation officer has mentioned a violation, if you think you are in violation, or if you have been arrested for a violation.

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